Health Benefits of Sexual Intercourse
The most recent studies focusing on the benefits of sexual intercourse starts from a proposition that the activity holds the key to fitness. Although many do not believe the statement, the above studies have concluded that sex has several health benefits apart from its sole function as a source of happiness. The studies highlight the link that the intercourse has with both physical and mental health as well as the quality of relationships. Such research also suggests couples to do the activity frequently since it can lead to greater intimacy.
The same scientific studies also highlight that the average people have sex once a week, but the number is different for those under the age of thirty. Married couples also have more activity compared to those who are unmarried. Fortunately, today’s digital era offers several amenities in the field as it becomes a place where similar sites for casual encounters are available. Thus, for those who are single, these sites prove to be the new face of the society where online and cougar dating is no longer an odd thing.
Emotional Benefits
Many scientists and relationship experts have associated making love with emotional health as the activity is famous for its ability to reduce anxiety. The explanation to the statement is simple as it deals a lot with cortisol and adrenaline that the body secretes whenever one is exposed to a stressful situation. These hormones are the primary causes of fatigues, high blood pressure, and severe anxiety. Fortunately, sexual intercourse has the ability to reduce the level of these hormones, resulting in a less stressful emotional state.
The mood is another mental-related thing that the hormones profoundly affect. It is not just a coincidence that married couples who have intercourse less than three times a month are prone to mood swing that can lead to another marriage issue. However, proper stimulation triggers the body to release oxytocin, a hormone responsible for joyful emotion, which is then followed by another hormone, prolactin, which is an aid in sleep.
Physical Health
The most fundamental concept of sexual relationships is that it is equivalent to light physical activities such as taking a short walk or going upstairs. Thus, the action has the same benefits that walking and climbing have for the overall health. Stronger abdominal muscles and toned abs are the examples as those parts of the body are the ones involved in any sexual activities.