Four Sexual Practices to Improve Your Relationship
As time goes, people pick up new ways to help improve their lives. For some individuals, having a great love life is crucial to having a peaceful life. One way of improving your love life is to make sure your sex life is satisfactory. In this article, you will understand how practices like swinging between one swinger couple or as the French say ‘couple echangiste,’ and another. Below is the simple list of some sexual practices that you can try to help improve your relationship.
For those who are new to the term swinging, this is a sexual act whereby couples exchange spouses for recreational sex. Sometimes the activity is called wife-, husband- or partner-swapping. It is a form of open relationship and non-monogamy. Several couples cite swinging as a method that increases the quantity and quality of sex.
While the majority may engage in this activity due to curiosity, others use swinging to add variety to their usual sex lives. The act can occur in multiple contexts, ranging from random sexual acts at events with friends to swinger clubs with like-minded individuals.
Using Sex Toys
Many people shy away from using sex toys with their partners or even touching themselves for pleasure. However, numerous couples claim that including toys in their sex activities helps improve the quality and increase orgasms. If you own a sex toy, feel free to ask your partner if they are interested in including it during sex. Lack of communication between lovers makes it hard to identify the things that work for both of you.
Performing Oral Sex
When it comes to oral sex, some people prefer receiving than giving. Oral sex shouldn’t be a one-sided activity. Both partners should take part in offering pleasure to each other, whether simultaneously or in intervals. Giving and getting ‘head’ is one of the most underrated means of achieving maximum sexual fulfillment.
Role-playing during sex has to be one of the most engaging activities. For instance, lovers can dress up as a doctor and a patient and engage in “dirty” hospital dialogue. Role-playing aims at making lovers have unique sex encounters that do not get monotonous and boring like casual sex. If you are into BDSM, you can play the roles of slave and master to spice up the erotic practice.
These tips are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexual activities. However, putting either one of them into practice should prove useful over time. Stay safe.