The Key to Satisfying Her in Bed
How many times did you falsely interpret her signals in bed? Or maybe you feel like you know your game well when the truth is nothing like what you thought you are. Not being able to satisfy a woman in bed is every man’s nightmare, and this happens more often than you know. The fact is girls talk with each other about how hard it is to look for someone that actually knows how to make her happy in bed, and you do not want to be one of those males that they talk about because you fail to impress her. Making sure that she remembers your time together in a positive way is vital for many guys, and it is not complicated math to do. Here are some tips that you can take to improve your skill to make girls come back to you.
Do not be Mr. Know-it-all
Remember that your partner is not you, so what is pleasurable for you might be a different thing with her. If the climax is what you are looking for, do not assume that it is what she is after as well, forcing the idea and interpreting her signals by guessing that you know how she feels about the activity is a selfish thing to do. You might be signing up yourself to a girl that will fake things just to satisfy what you want.
Ask, listen, and do what she wants
Communication in bed is essential if you wish to know what will make she beg more from you. How can you possibly satisfy her if you do not even know what she likes and does not? Have a conversation about sex and what she enjoys so you can make sure to do it in bed later. You will be surprised of how much she will appreciate it.
Surprise her with something unexpected
Once you know for sure the things that she is comfortable with and what she is not, you can start planning for a surprise that you understand will shock her in a great way. Maybe plan to fulfill her sex fantasy and show that you are willing to try new things if it means that you can make her happy. Who knows if you end up enjoying the activity as well and it can be something that you guys regularly do to spice up the relationship.