Tips for Choosing The Best Lube For Masturbation
Masturbation lubes used by couples and singles who want to become sexually aroused. Vaginal lubrication should occur naturally during arousal and sexual excitement. Lack of lubrication during sex can make it painful, distracting and uncomfortable.
Applying lube to a condom can make it feel more pleasurable, natural and comfortable. This is the best way of improving sexual pleasure and comfort. There are different types of lubes that you can use for masturbation needs. These products can be purchased from drug or online stores, sex toy shops and supermarkets. They are ideal for those people who are masturbating on their own or having vaginal sex. This write-up is going to help you in finding the best lube for masturbation.
Benefits of Using Lubrication/Masturbation Lubes
- Changing the taste of sex, especially during oral sex
- Decreasing anal/vaginal friction
- Lubricating the clitoris
- Enhancing sexual arousal
- Keeping the vaginal skin soft
Factors Considered When Choosing Lube for Masturbation
Anyone who is planning to purchase a lube should take into consideration the following essential factors:
Safety– Remember that your health is very important. Avoiding using oil-based lubricants since they can cause condom or destroy the latex.
Comfort– This refers to the pleasure experienced during sex or masturbation. A good lubricant should make you feel better without irritating your genitals. The following are e the different types of lubricants that you need to consider when purchasing one:
Silicone Lubricants
These products are recommended for those women who experience genital pain or have chronic vaginal dryness. The silicone used in these products is safe since it cannot penetrate through the pores of your skin. These products are hypoallergenic. They include ID Millennium, Wet platinum, Gun Oil, and Slippery Stuff.
- They are tasteless and odorless
- Long lasting
- Don’t affect latex condoms
- Expensive
- Not readily available
- Not compatible with CyberSkin sex toy
Water-Based Lubricants With Glycerin
These products are very common in the market today. Most of them are blended with synthetic glycerine that gives them a sweet taste. Nearly all the warming lubricants and flavored lubricants contain glycerine. Examples of water-based products include FriXion, Embrace, Revelation, ID, Liquideads, Wet Flavoured, Astroglide and K-Y liquid.
- Low-cost
- Easy to find
- Doesn’t stain fabric
- Easy to find
- Compatible with latex condoms
- Synthetic glycerin is known for triggering yeast infections
- Often track or sticky
- Dry out quickly
- Products containing propylene glycol or parabens can irritate your sensitive skin
Water-Based Lubricants without Glycerin
These products are ideal for people having recurrent yeast infections. Most of them contain vegetable-derived glycerin, that doesn’t trigger yeast infections. These products include Sensua Organics, Probe, Glycerin, paraben-free Astroglide, Ultra Glide, Maximus, Carrageenan, and Liquid Silk.